From the Mission Support Group

This year for our Mission Weekend we hear from Christians who have gone into our city to bring about the goodness of God to people who really need it.  We want to focus on and support three of these charities this year.

  • Snowdrop Project – supports and empowers victims of modern slavery and exploitation across South Yorkshire

  • Archer Project – Offers homeless people in Sheffield a pathway from homelessness to a settled life

  • Golddigger Trust – Transforms the lives of young people by equipping them with positive wellbeing and the skills to make good life decisions

All money raised from the weekend will go to support the work of these three great charities.  Please give generously!

You can give directly on the website - or in person using the Mission Sunday envelopes which can be collected in church.

 With thanks from the Mission Support Group.

From the Assistant Minister

I imagine that in your diary, last Sunday was called ‘Father’s Day’. In the calendar of the Church this week, we remember the birth of John the Baptist and so we are very much reminded of John's Father, Zechariah. He was puzzled about a baby being born to him and his wife Elizabeth when they were both “advanced in years", despite the announcement of the child to come being given to him by an angel.   But a few days after the baby was born, the puzzlement completely evaporated, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied in words that have come to be called ‘the Benedictus’(Luke1.57-80). These words have been considered so important that you will find them both in the morning service in the Book of Common Prayer and in the Common Worship service book.

OK, but so what, Godfrey, you politely ask. This matters to us now, because these few verses are full of truth, wonder and encouragement for us. Luke records the events around the birth and naming of John as part of his determined drive to show all who will listen, then and now, that with the coming of Jesus into the World, God’s promised redemptive plan of salvation is bursting out into history and into the story of humankind.

 Zechariah first blesses God – not a bad way to begin your prayers. Then he declares the fulfilment of God’s promises, prophecies and covenant with Abraham, in the arrival of God Himself in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom salvation comes “in the forgiveness of... sins”.  Zechariah reminds us that “...because of the tender mercy of our God” He delivers us, that we might “serve him without fear” - we are saved, to serve the God of our salvation.

 John the Baptist is the great announcer of the Lord’s arrival, but in the power of the Holy Spirit, his Father Zechariah gives us a wonderful preface to the Gospel record of the work of Christ in the World.  How about taking this as the theme for your personal devotions this week?

With you in God’s service


From the Vicar

Dear Friends

One of the great privileges of belonging to All Saints church is its young peoples’ work which extends its ministry to us all through regular youth led evening services. Regular members will know that the feature of a quiz or time of congregational participation is much anticipated and looked forward to. It strikes me that there is a wonderful sense of fun and community shared by all who attend during these times. In a large and often dispersed church family these times of community are very precious. Here are some other times to pray, support and participate in. All are times to for others to be invited to and drawn into. A welcoming, fun filled, relaxed and meaningful Christian fellowship is a great advert for the Christian faith to a watching world. Here they are - sign up, come along and bring someone with you! The Mission Support group are holding a Ceilidh on June 28th, Friendly stop with George Parsons is on July 15th at 1pm. And save the date for our ‘Church away at home’ – if you liked last year’s day we hope you will love this year’s whole weekend on 12th & 13th October, with guest speaker The Revd Victoria Lawrence.

From the Youth Minister

House Party is now in the rearview mirrors. We had a wonderful time with so many great highlights from the games and activities as well as the times of Bible study and worship. A huge thank you to all who supported us with their time or finances, we couldn't have done it without you!

Looking forward we have an exciting new development. Joining with other churches across this area of Sheffield, we will be hosting a youth worship evening at All Saints on the 20th of July. Please pray for this event, that many come and are filled with excitement and passion for Jesus!

 Cam Catto

From the Children's Minister

We are excited to share with you the theme of this year’s Holiday Club - Taste and See….                  

Our theme is based on Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good.  We pray that all those who come will have a taste of the Lord’s goodness for themselves and that we might welcome many of their families.  Over the five days we will be exploring meals that Jesus had with others and what these meals show us about God.

Taste and See… is running from Monday 12th – Friday 16th August and is for all those aged 4 – 11 years old.  If you have a three year old who attends our church groups who you would like to come then talk to Rosie and she can arrange it.

Thank you to all of those who have signed up to help us - we couldn’t do the week without you!  If you were thinking of volunteering then it’s not too late, contact Rosie and she would be delighted to hear from you.

Bookings are now open. Go to                                        

Please do be praying for all those who will be attending and continue to pray for the planning and those who are helping.  God has answered so many of our prayers in the past, we look forward to seeing what He is going to do this year! 

Rosie Blackett

From the Associate Vicar


Looking back: Giving thanks – Looking forward: Resourcing you, where you are.

This week we celebrated our APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) which, put simply, is the time we briefly look back with thankfulness of the faithfulness of God and our congregation.  We remembered some highlights and significant moments over the last year.

Mark also shared his vision for our church for the next year – if you weren’t able to come along, you can find it on the church YouTube page.

Would you like to pray in a group of three to be more missional over the next year? Would you like to be part of a small group (Home group or Echo)?  See the flyers in the welcome area to sign up.

Roland Slade

From the Wardens

Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is this Wednesday 22nd May when Mark will be announcing his vision for All Saints for the coming year, and I encourage as many of our congregation to attend as possible. All Saints is moving forwards and Mark has some great ideas to further achieve this, so it is so important that we are there to support him.

The APCM is also when, sadly after four years, I stand down as a churchwarden. The role of warden provides a fascinating overview of the workings of church and it has been an honour and a privilege to help serve the church family.


Psalm 62

‘With God is my salvation and my glory:

The rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

Trust in him at all times, ye people;

Pour out your heart before him:

God is a refuge for us.’


Richard, on behalf of Sue, Rob and Lynne (the wardens)

From the Treasurer

I am pleased to report that PCC has approved the audited accounts for 2023. It was my fifth year preparing our church accounts but there is always something new to consider and include! Copies will be available in advance of the APCM and I look forward to providing a brief report at the meeting on 22nd May. I will explain how we were blessed with a modest increase in total funds at the end of last year. I will also be looking at why we need to continue to keep growing our funds.

We have recently entered a new tax year, a time perhaps to pause and review household finances including giving and gift aid?  Maybe now is the right time to be able to increase financial giving in support of the Lord's work in this place?  

As ever, I'm happy to answer questions on our church finances.

Julia Newton