From the Children's Minister

Whilst sitting eating leftover treats from Christmas and thinking about the new Sunday morning sermon series, being a devoted church, I was reminded of how often food or drink plays a central role in our lives with others and how it was central in Jesus’ life too.  We see Jesus eating with various people, performing miracles, using parties in His parables and much more. 

In our children’s groups each week, we share our news, thanksgivings and prayer requests, as we have a drink and a biscuit.  It’s a time we build relationship and learn how we can support one another in prayer.  This is something I see mirrored at Toddlers too.

Toddlers is currently flourishing, not only in the practical way we are serving our community but spiritually too.  We have seen three families request baptisms and someone sign up to Alpha in the last month alone.  The conversations we have over snack time are invaluable as they give opportunity for us to build relationship, offer support and gain insight as to how to pray for people.  We long to see more of this but need help to do it.

We’re currently short of volunteers to help make and serve the snacks and so aren’t able to make the most of the opportunities for conversations that God is giving us. If you are able to support us by occasionally coming to make teas and coffees and wash up afterwards, then we would really value your help.  If you aren’t able to help then I encourage you to think and pray about who you could show hospitality to instead?  Who could you get to know better, support and pray for by sharing food or a drink with?

Rosie Blackett

From the Operations Manager

After a very welcome Christmas and New Year break the office is (almost) back to full strength!

We have hit the ground running in 2023; supporting the preparations for Alpha, dealing with a number of large scale funerals, undertaking regular maintenance as well as some minor repairs, planning ahead for Lent, Holy Week and Easter, preparing for interviews for the Church Administrator at the end of this month and getting back into the routine of Sundays. In the coming months you will also see activity inside Church as we upgrade the lighting, and outside as we look at additional notice boards to share the great news of our activities in Church and the community.

We are blessed with a large staff and clergy team and, as we start the year with a full complement, we are excited to explore how we can come together to support the flourishing of All Saints Ecclesall.

Stephanie Osman

From the Curate

As we settle into the start of the new year, this week our Alpha courses begin. It is a wonderful opportunity to invite those we know to begin a journey of exploration to discover, as the magi did of old, the baby born to be the Saviour of the world. Who would you like to invite, and bring along?

Alpha begins this Wednesday, with dinner at 7:30pm, and Thursday afternoons, with a crèche, beginning with coffee and cakes at 1:00pm. We will meet in the church, and there will be a short Alpha film, with plenty of time to ask questions, discuss, and hear from others.

Whether you are coming with someone you have invited on Alpha, or are in the process of working out what you think about faith, Alpha is the ideal way for you and others to find out more. To sign up, please email by the end of Tuesday evening.

May we all join together in praying that the light of Christ would shine brightly in this season of Epiphany – in us, and in the lives of those who come on Alpha.

Simon Oatridge

From the Vicar

Dear Friends,

Our verse for the year “Behold I set before you an open door…..” Revelation 3:8

A whole new year stretches before us. Perhaps this is a classic cup half-full approach to life, but there is something surely timely about the turning of a New Year to reflect upon some new things that God would wish to do in our midst. I am personally grateful to have had a chance to share a Christmas with you, and with those on the team who will hopefully have enjoyed their first of many.

We will be hoping to establish some united plans to mobilise us all to walk through the open doors of God’s choosing, and there is surely much to build upon. Seventy members volunteered their time and talents in November, our monthly evening youth service is now a real highlight and fixture, a visitation to local shops and outlets is something to build upon and increase our emerging community links, and I with others are full of trust and hope for our Alpha courses. You too will sense and hear the Spirit’s voice for us all – do let us know if there is an opening that the Lord is creating for us? We cannot give permission for everything but there is one voice amongst many we would wish to hear and unite around – that is the Lord’s voice himself – see I set before you an open door!

Allie joins me in wish you God’s blessing strength and grace for the New Year.

The Revd Canon Mark Brown

From the Vicar

Dear Friends,

“Lo within the manger lies he who made the starry skies”

Happy Christmas and happy carol singing on Christmas day and its surrounding days of celebration. We should rejoice that carols are sung in churches, in the open air and in local pubs! Worth too singing them in our hearts. Whilst we might not think of ourselves as theologians, carols contain some of the loftiest and most profound theologies; a baby that has flung stars into space, or looking down into a cattle trough and you can also look up and see the stars made by God himself. Sound too good to be true, perhaps it sounds more like fantasy and a land of fairies? At the heart of our Christian faith is a mind blowing and mind numbing reality that God himself has taken the initiative and come to be with us. All he asks is that we look, think, ponder, reflect and then have courage to sing of this reality. A reality that will always be true and will never go away because God was made flesh in Jesus. We can live and indeed will for evermore because of Christmas day. This is the real meaning of Christmas and the real source of happiness in life. Sing, pray and live a life that says Glory to God in the highest because of Jesus!

Have a lovely Christmas season of celebration and find with others its true heart. God has come amongst us and is always for us in Jesus.

The Revd Canon Mark Brown.

From the Vicar

Dear Friends,

“Only connect” One of E M Forster’s great lines! At Christmas time, we are reminded that a lot more people (three times as many) will wish to connect with the established Christian Church in our country. Whilst recent census figures might grab attention seeking media discussion the reality behind the figures is that many still connect with Christian values, the heritage of Christian faith and the prayers of many believing Christians in our community.

The challenge of us is that when people connect with us, what will they find? Let us pray and work together that when we host our many carol services, people find a welcome that is Christ centred, singing that is filled with Christ’s joy and teaching that is filled with the grace and truth that is in Jesus for all.

I and the staff team are very grateful to our many volunteers who behind the scenes enable our Church to function so well during these days of austerity and challenge. Thank you to you all.

“Open our eyes Lord we want to see Jesus” as we pray this for ourselves so we pray that through friendship, concern and invitation ( yes do use Alpha! ) that others too will find Christ. Then a real connection for life and eternity will be made.

Yours in His service

Mark Brown

From the Associate Vicar

Through December, we are surrounded by lights casting out the gloom. They are a necessity when you can wake up in complete darkness but they also bring their own sense of joy.  Strings of fairy lights and shop window displays try to put a bright spin on a gloomy (and apparently foggy) season. 

In Luke 8 it says – “no one who lights a lamp would hide it in a jar or under their bed, they would put it on a stand to get the best effect!” This Christmas lets share the wonderful light of Jesus with those around us.  We have a light that we want to share but it is our decision how we present this light and put it in a place that shines everywhere. 

Don’t forget to invite your friends and neighbours to the great Christmas events happening through December and Alpha in January. 

Roland Slade.

From the Curate

Alpha in 2023 – Who will you pray for? Who will you invite?

In the next few weeks, over a thousand people will walk through our church doors to attend Christmas Carol services. This will include family members, friends, neighbours, and work colleagues who don’t normally come to church. At the start of 2023, we want to provide an opportunity for every guest who comes over the Christmas season to explore life, faith, and meaning.

This is why we are beginning Alpha in January. Alpha is a 10-week course exploring the Christian faith in a relaxed and friendly environment. Each session begins with food and a short film about an aspect of Christianity. There’s plenty of time to discuss, ask questions, and listen to others. It’s a free and fun way for people of any background or belief to explore the good news of Jesus. We are offering Alpha at two different times, in the hope that more guests will be able to come. The idea is that you come along, with those you have invited, on whichever Alpha is most suitable in the new year. Roland is leading Alpha on Wednesday evenings, 7:30-10:00pm from 11th January, and Simon is leading a daytime Alpha on Thursday afternoons, 1:00-3:00 from 12th January.

At all services today we are encouraging the whole church to pray for God to be at work in those we know, so that they may come to know him. Please be praying for three people you would like to invite on Alpha and come to faith.

If you would like to help out at either course, by leading a discussion group, being part of the hospitality team, or helping with the administration, please email

If you are in the process of working out what you think about faith, Alpha is the ideal way to find out more. To sign up to one of the courses please email

May God use us all to help others find God for themselves.

Simon Oatridge