Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
(2 Corinthians 9.15)
How can you describe the indescribable? God becoming man, the creator entering his creation, the eternal one entering time and space, the Lord of all becoming a baby. May our hearts be filled with thankfulness to God for the gift of his Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ – the indescribable gift!
Thank you to all those who have gone above and beyond during the Christmas season in enabling us to celebrate and share the indescribable gift of God through services and song. It is amazing to think that 595 adults, 119 children and young people have come to our Church Carol Services so far, alongside 544 children coming to Primary School Carol Services, accompanied by 419 adults. Beyond the four walls of church, the gift of God’s Son has been shared with 70 toddlers, at Broomcroft House Care Home, in 3 local pubs, and through open air carol singing at Carter Knowle shops.
As we give thanks to God for his indescribable gift, let us pray that many will receive the gift of Christ this Christmas time. And let us pray that we are given opportunities to share God’s love with those near and dear to us. As 2024 beckons, who might the Lord be leading you to invite on Alpha, that they too can know God’s indescribable gift?
With thanks for your love, service, and partnership in our Lord,
Revd Simon Oatridge