This year Mission Sunday will be on June 30th

This year for our Mission Weekend we are focusing on ‘Stories from Sheffield’ as we explore how Christian Mission is worked out in our city by three inspiring organisations.

Whilst not our ‘regular’ mission partners, they are all local organisations who we have supported in the past and with whom we have excellent links. They are:

  • Snowdrop – supporting survivors of modern slavery and exploitation to recover from their pasts and rebuild their futures (9:15am)

  • Archer Project – a place where homeless and vulnerable people can change their lives for the better (11:00am)

  • Golddigger Trust – working to empower young people to make positive, informed choices for themselves (6:00pm)

They will each be speaking at one of the main services, as indicated, on Sunday 30th June. For our part we hope to come away with a better sense of how we might be better informed and able to support these amazing organisations, by praying, volunteering or giving.