From the Wardens

In almost every walk of life, there are patterns & rhythms - starting points & finishing points. The same is most definitely true in church life where we have a whole series of patterns both theologically & practically each with their own significance.

Once a year in our church as in all other parish churches we hold our Annual Parochial Church Meeting and just in case you’ve not picked up on the recent notices, this year’s meeting is in church on Wednesday May 24th at 7.30pm

At that meeting we see church administrative starting points & endings. We will see a changeover of church wardens & we will vote new members onto the PCC as well as hear updates on the church’s financial position.

But perhaps most importantly it’s where together as a church family we will hear from Mark our vicar as he looks ahead & encourages & challenges us all to consider where we might play our part within the church family, as together we seek to reach out into our community to share the love of Jesus over this next year.

Please come & join us on May 24th. Your church & the community need you!

Alison, Richard & Sue.