From the Vicar

Good Lord deliver us

This is the title of an evening held at All Saints on Wednesday 6th of November at 7:30pm. I am delighted to share in this time with St Gabriel’s leading worship and sharing in ministry time. This event is primarily for our Parish family but we will also be resourcing other churches and Church leaders. I will be giving a talk of about 40 minutes on living a victorious life in Christ with reference to issues of mental health in caring for others and seeking the Lord’s protection in keeping with the prayer all disciples make in the Lord’s prayer, namely “deliver us from evil”.

I will include some input from the Church of England’s latest information on so called deliverance ministry and offer tried and tested methods (based on my own experience) as to how our evangelistic ministry to friends and communities can be enlivened. Amy will be sharing from her work and training as a clinical psychology to give a wider perspective on caring for others. The evening is open to everyone and my hope and prayer is that we will all become more confident of the resources we have in Christ for our own lives and in caring and sharing our faith with others. Do pray for myself, my daughter, those leading worship and offering prayers for the evening.

Yours in Christ’s service
