From the Vicar

Dear Friends

One of the great privileges of belonging to All Saints church is its young peoples’ work which extends its ministry to us all through regular youth led evening services. Regular members will know that the feature of a quiz or time of congregational participation is much anticipated and looked forward to. It strikes me that there is a wonderful sense of fun and community shared by all who attend during these times. In a large and often dispersed church family these times of community are very precious. Here are some other times to pray, support and participate in. All are times to for others to be invited to and drawn into. A welcoming, fun filled, relaxed and meaningful Christian fellowship is a great advert for the Christian faith to a watching world. Here they are - sign up, come along and bring someone with you! The Mission Support group are holding a Ceilidh on June 28th, Friendly stop with George Parsons is on July 15th at 1pm. And save the date for our ‘Church away at home’ – if you liked last year’s day we hope you will love this year’s whole weekend on 12th & 13th October, with guest speaker The Revd Victoria Lawrence.