From the Assistant Minister

Walking through the town last week towards the new, huge marquee, in bright warm Keswick morning sunshine, joining the thousands who were gathering just for that one meeting (12,000 gather over the three weeks of the Convention), I was reminded of the thrill of my first visit to the Keswick Convention years ago. I remember the streets literally filling with Christians, all streaming towards the same place, the tent for the evening meeting. The sound of hymns and songs being sung inside the tent filled the air all around.  It was wonderful, speaking to all of us something of that picture we find in various places in the Bible, of the New Jerusalem, the restored Mount Zion, where all who believe will gather, in praise and wonder - " have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem...and to God, the judge of all...and to Jesus, the mediator of  a new covenant..”(Hebrews 12.22-24).

Next year marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of this amazing Christian gathering, first held in the Vicarage Garden in Keswick, at which even for that initial event, three or four hundred people attended.  Countless thousands from all over the World have followed them. The emphasis which was first embraced in 1875 is there still – the faithful exposition of the Scriptures, carefully applied to our lives. These days there is a staggering range of seminars, topics and activities on offer, and children's and youth work, and specialist sessions for Christians in the Arts and more. 50,000 Christian books were sold to conventioners over the 3 weeks this year.

From the very start this has been an ecumenical event – with Christians from various denominations joining together in praise and song and the study of God’s Word.  Long ago the Convention took as its motto “All one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3.28) and this is lived out each year as people from churches all over the UK and abroad gather in this Lakeland town. The words are emblazoned on the outside of the marquee so all passing on the main road into Keswick can see this bold statement of Christian fellowship.

“After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out, ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God’...” (Rev 19.1).

How about Keswick next year?

With you in God’s service
