From the Wardens

Throughout the years, All Saints Ecclesall has been blessed by members of the congregation who have given their time and talents to take on the role of warden. At the next APCM in May, we will be looking to appoint two new deputy wardens. It is an interesting, varied and important role that provides an opportunity to work with the PCC, the ministry and operations teams to ensure the church is well run, is outward looking and provides a range of opportunities for the current congregation and new attenders to grow in faith and establish a transforming relationship with Jesus.

We are praying that there are members of the congregation interested in the role. If this could be you, speak to one of the current wardens. A conversation costs nothing and commits nobody. The advantage of having “senior” and “deputy” wardens means that nobody is thrown into the role unprepared. Appointees will be guided by the senior wardens to learn the role and contribute their own specific skill set and gifts of the Spirit to serve the Lord Jesus.

As you prayerfully consider whether the role might be for you, you might reflect on Philippians 2:3-4:

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.