From the Vicar - Easter Sunday

Dear Friends,

Spring forward Fall back!

Happy Easter – Christ is Risen.

May our daily hope in our Risen Lord inspire all our work at All Saints. Today is the day which gives meaning to all other days. By raising Christ to life from the seeming defeat of death on a cross God has held out for everyone a love which will never let anyone go. The challenge of course is to look to the one God signposts to receive his love, namely Jesus. Even the seasonal change of time gives us a clue as to how we should be during this Easter season. Spring forward! Spring forward with hope and expectation.

There is much to look forward to and work towards, hopefully with an Easter spring in our stride. Our young people enjoying a focussed time of fellowship and teaching, our gathering together as a church family to consider its prime missionary calling (at our annual meeting on Wednesday 22nd May), some focussed training and encouragement events to mobilise our caring and sharing parts of the work we do. The interviews for our longed for musical director during mid-April. Please see our revised schedule of dates with many things for you to engage with so that our Easter faith can be enlivened and shared with others.

On behalf of the PCC and staff team can I thank you most warmly for your support and partnership in our Risen Lord.

The Revd Canon Mark Brown

From the Vicar

The Vicar’s Lent Letter 2024

‘Seek the Lord and serve His Church’

Dear Friends,

The sleeping giant might be waking up!

All Saint's church has had a far reach beyond its Parish for a number of years and I am glad the PCC and many others recognise this and are supportive. You will recall the sentiment of the prophecy recalled by me at last year's APCM "All Saints is a bit like a sleeping giant”.

Some current activities make me wonder whether the giant is slowly waking! Here are some snippets of news to encourage you, and initiatives for you to join in with. Do make a note of them and use the period of pause and reflection in Lent to pray over them. Human endeavour by itself can never see the Lord’s work done but, with the help and movement of His Spirit, much can be accomplished.

Encouraging prayer meetings
The best yet led by the PCC recently, make a note of future dates and come along with others.

Numbers at Alpha
Well done Roland, Simon and their teams. This is such an encouragement.

Visitors at Going Deeper
Thank you to Godfrey and his team.

Team work for PCC and halls group
Thank you to Rob Coleman and his team for organising our PCC morning away on Saturday 17th February to focus on ‘Vision and strategy for All Saints into the future’

Thank you to Richard Blyth, Julia Newton and their teams for the real progress made by the halls group.

Buildings that are blessings
Thank you to Steph and her team (and your financial resources) for seeing our lovely windows repaired.

Innovative local outreach
Thank you to the Monday Morning Drop-In team, our Thursday Open Door Team and those who support our Friendly Stop events.

Relational times to share Christ
I shall be inviting a number of people to ‘trial’ or ‘test’ for us all, a series of hospitality events at which Christ is shared. Do pray these are a success. Please come along eagerly if you are invited!

Mobilising the whole people of God Prayer triplets leading to Mission Triplets. Sign up after the APCM on Wednesday 22nd May at 7:30pm.

Young peoples work
We thank God for Cam and his team supporting our young peoples work. Housepaty sees ten leaders helping him and much encouragement from weekly work at Silverdale.

Children's work
At our recent volunteer thank you tea Rosie saw nearly 40 people come along. Do pray for our 11am service, Messy Church and for the Lord to send us young families, as we us to be sent to them. Our schools work continues to support Clifford All Saints, Ecclesall Primary and Dobcroft.

Strengthening the core
Leaders, or active initiative taking volunteers, are needed to support Home Groups, Music Ministry and Stewardship. Pray the Lord of Harvest would send us workers. Do let any of the staff team know if you have an interest.

I am well aware that a single letter cannot communicate all that is going on so please receive this as a flavour and stimulus to be read alongside other recently produced leaflets (Lent Holy week and Easter and “Seek the Lord and serve His Church “ where you will find dates details and leaders to contact for more information).

And finally, Lent is a time for pause and reflection so do please come along to any of these below if it would assist in prayer or fellowship within the spirit and discipline of Lent;

  1. Silence and Soup - Silence, prayer and scripture at the Vicarage for an hour on Monday 4th March at noon. I only have room for 20 so sign up with Elaine please.

  2. Silence and Stroll! – Meet at the Vicarage with outdoor walking attire. Fellowship, conversation, silence and exercise. Thursday March 14th meet at 10:00am – an hour and a half to two hour walk.

To those who have been given much, much will be expected so our Lord says. Our spiritual history and favoured location in South West Sheffield means we can resource and aid many others. Sometimes on waking, it can take a while to begin the day. I am praying that this waking up process, to the many things that are happening, will be an encouragement to you for your engagement, commitment and support.

Thank you for being part of All Saints, I pray that you fully find your part and are able to contribute. As we give so the Lord gives to us. May we anticipate together his renewed blessings in all we do, to seek Him and serve His Church.

The Revd Canon Mark Brown

From the Associate Vicar

The season of Lent is almost upon us with Ash Wednesday this coming Wednesday. As it falls this year on Valentines Day, I’m sure many will mark the occasion with flowers and chocolates as a sign of love for family members.  But once we are passed this moment, how will we be setting our hearts to a season of preparation?

Lent can seem long and perhaps it is, but it is an opportunity to prepare ourselves for the full joy of Easter. The death of death and the resurrection of Jesus in our own lives! So Lent gives us a challenge each year. How will we utilise this time to get the most out of the joy of Easter? Will you commit to praying in a certain way each day? Will you commit to reading a certain amount of scripture (for example, a chapter a day in Mark and Johns gospel would take 37 days).

There are many different ways of preparing your heart for Easter and my encouragement to us all is not to miss the chance to do it this year.

Revd Roland Slade
Associate Vicar

From the Treasurer

January, a time to look forward to what the Lord might have in store for us in the year ahead?  As Church Treasurer, however, I had to “look backwards” as I started to prepare the church’s statutory accounts for 2023!

The full position, after the audit,  will need to wait for my presentation to the APCM in May, but I thought I would share a few provisional figures.  The biggest expenditure, around £287k (or £5,500 per week), was on our staff. The ministry team support our church life in very visible ways particularly on a Sunday but other staff do so in equally important, but often unseen, ways during the week.    The second biggest  spend  in 2023 was £88k on our church building. Nearly half went on regular costs such as utility and insurance bills (around £900 per week) and the rest on major repairs including £22k on the stained glass windows on the south nave.

If you have not yet looked at the finance poster by the digital giving machine in church this will give you a more extensive overview of our expenditure.  It would be great to get feedback as to whether you think it is helpful and informative, including for visitors.

Regular giving was at £399k, so we didn’t quite make it beyond the £400k, as we had hoped.  Please do join me in praying that this time next year I will be able to report that we went well beyond £400k in 2024.  This would hugely help to support the Lord’s work in this place and beyond, including the specific areas of youth and music ministry that we set out in the stewardship letter. 

Thank you again to all who were able to respond  positively and generously to the stewardship appeal either with regular or one off gifts. 

Finally, as cessations in giving happen throughout the year, please don’t wait for the next appeal to join the pledged giving scheme or make a donation, if you now find yourself able to do so.

Julia Newton


From the Wardens

A new year brings with it a feeling of optimism with longer days and a sense of positive change, and at All Saints there is much to look forward to. Following on from the success of the men’s groups, there will be a series of women’s events starting soon organised by a team led by Ruth Totterdell, the search for a new Music Minister is underway, and the Lent Lectures begin in February.

Many volunteers help out in so many different ways at church in order to allow it to function smoothly, and as a churchwarden it is a privilege, and at the same time very humbling to be part of this group. The role of a churchwarden is multifaceted, with aspects that are sometimes challenging but others that are highly rewarding spiritually. Being part of the wardens team gives a wonderful insight to the workings of church life and it is great to be able to serve in this way.

“For wisdom shall enter into thy heart, And knowledge shall be pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall watch over thee; Understanding shall keep thee:” ( Proverbs 2).

Richard, on behalf of Sue, Rob and Lynne (the Wardens)

From the Children's Minister

“Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.                                            
Your people will be my people and your God my God.”
(Ruth 1:16)

In our children’s groups we have begun a 4 week series on the book of Ruth.  Last week we thought about the loyalty, friendship and faithfulness of Ruth to Naomi.  This week we are focusing on the kindness and generosity of Boaz, not only to Ruth but also to his workers.  I wonder which of your friends, family or co-workers see or hear about Jesus through you, the way that Boaz’s workers heard about God as they worked in his fields or the way Ruth found God through her relationship with Naomi?

We can often underestimate what difference seemingly small acts can mean to people but Jesus tells us that when others see our good deeds, people will glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).  As we begin 2024 I encourage us all to offer ourselves to God once again, to be a living sacrifice for Him. To offer our acts of kindness, generosity, service, the way we treat our colleagues, employers or employees to Jesus and pray that He will use these to bring others into relationship with our heavenly Father.

Rosie Blackett
Children’s Minister

From the Vicar

Dear Friends,

An army marches forward on its stomach – so it is said, the gruel and effort of attrition and warfare can only be really achieved through strength and sustenance. It is also said that as an army marches forward on its stomach so a church marches forward on its knees. I will side step a comment about posture as friends and close colleagues know knees are not currently one of the Vicar’s strong points! However to prayer: however and wherever you can, going forward into the new year, do note the following and join the wider church family in this adventure which is discipleship to Christ, gathering together which is Church, and prayer which gives meaning to it all.

1. Thank you to the many who made our last prayer meeting so significant - the highest numbers yet and, to me, a taste of a church coming alive! The next one is on Feb 6th 7:30pm and is especially to pray for our Connections course and outreach activity (see below);

2. Pray for the Ministry Team away day this next week as we reflect what is the best way to mobilise God’s people and build on our prayer triplets. Do pray we get the right ask that is both achievable and attainable for God’s people. I shall be praying personally that our next initiative will see an increase on the 100 or so people who last year enrolled for prayer triplets as we go forward amongst a wider group from the church family. Watch this space and be anticipating something from the Lord that will bless us and of course – do please sign up;

3. Seek the Lord while he may be found. I have counted at least six examples of outreach of our members to others. What a thrill to know that those who are seeking the Lord in our Parish might find him in these times – the bridge of course is ourselves and courageous invitation to others that they can join in with our plans.

Do make sure you pick up your verse for the year sheet with times and dates!

Yours in Christ,

The Revd Canon Mark Brown

From the Assistant Minister

I do trust that you had some joy, peace and thankfulness in your Christmas days. In our rush into January, as the Feast of the Epiphany too slips past us, I invite you to pause for a moment, to recall those amazing visitors to the Christ child, so beloved by carol writers and Christmas card artists.

In Matthew’s Gospel account, we read that the star came to rest over the place where the child was.  The amazing star, supernatural guide for Magi from outside the Jewish nation and tradition, leading them precisely to the Saviour of the World. In this wonderful moment we see that Christ fulfilled prophecy and that His first coming and the Redemption He brings are given to challenge all humankind - Christ waits even now, for response from Jew and Gentile alike. When the Magi saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy (Matt 2.9-10). I do hope you too can feel, if only just a little, overwhelmed with joy in your Saviour as you enter a New Year.

The Prophet Isaiah (60.1-3), long before the Incarnation took place, set the scene -

Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
    and thick darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will arise upon you,
    and his glory will be seen upon you.
3 And nations shall come to your light,
    and kings to the brightness of your rising.

Dear Lord, we make it our prayer for 2024, that this year more and more people from the nations of the World - and their rulers - will come to the light of the Gospel and be overwhelmed with joy. Amen.

Happy New Year!

Revd Godfrey Smallman