From the Associate Vicar


Looking back: Giving thanks – Looking forward: Resourcing you, where you are.

This week we celebrated our APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) which, put simply, is the time we briefly look back with thankfulness of the faithfulness of God and our congregation.  We remembered some highlights and significant moments over the last year.

Mark also shared his vision for our church for the next year – if you weren’t able to come along, you can find it on the church YouTube page.

Would you like to pray in a group of three to be more missional over the next year? Would you like to be part of a small group (Home group or Echo)?  See the flyers in the welcome area to sign up.

Roland Slade

From the Wardens

Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is this Wednesday 22nd May when Mark will be announcing his vision for All Saints for the coming year, and I encourage as many of our congregation to attend as possible. All Saints is moving forwards and Mark has some great ideas to further achieve this, so it is so important that we are there to support him.

The APCM is also when, sadly after four years, I stand down as a churchwarden. The role of warden provides a fascinating overview of the workings of church and it has been an honour and a privilege to help serve the church family.


Psalm 62

‘With God is my salvation and my glory:

The rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

Trust in him at all times, ye people;

Pour out your heart before him:

God is a refuge for us.’


Richard, on behalf of Sue, Rob and Lynne (the wardens)

From the Treasurer

I am pleased to report that PCC has approved the audited accounts for 2023. It was my fifth year preparing our church accounts but there is always something new to consider and include! Copies will be available in advance of the APCM and I look forward to providing a brief report at the meeting on 22nd May. I will explain how we were blessed with a modest increase in total funds at the end of last year. I will also be looking at why we need to continue to keep growing our funds.

We have recently entered a new tax year, a time perhaps to pause and review household finances including giving and gift aid?  Maybe now is the right time to be able to increase financial giving in support of the Lord's work in this place?  

As ever, I'm happy to answer questions on our church finances.

Julia Newton

From the Operations Manager

As we welcome the warmer, dryer weather of Spring we are able to complete a number of Estates projects that have been waiting in the wings.

The damaged wall plaque on the South Tower will be repaired in the coming weeks which will mean there will be scaffolding on that corner of the building, as much space as possible will be left on the path for access to and from the Church doors.  

Repairs have started on two large graves in the Churchyard, for which we are in receipt of trust fund; Steele and Osbourne.

The gutters, hopper and downpipe on the North side of the building that have been overflowing and causing damage to the plaster in the Mothers’ Union chapel is also moving forward and we hope to have that all upgraded before the end of June.

A lot of these projects are very weather dependant so please pray for the continuation of bright, dry days so that we can ‘fix things while the sun shines’!

Many Thanks,

Stephanie Osman

From the Vicar

Thank you to the administrative staff and those who care for the governance connected with the life of All Saints. Without their skills and time we would be very exposed and unable to keep our Church alive and well.

So to help them, help you, do read and respond to all this weeks notices many of which are detailed and ask for your involvement.

Do pray with anticipation that the Lord would enable us to celebrate and share his risen life as we pray for our APCM.

Yours in Christ’s service,

The Revd Canon Mark Brown

From the Curate

Mission – then and now

Over the next four Sundays we will be looking at Jesus’ teaching in Luke 10. Jesus offers a masterclass in mission – he is the one who equips and enables his followers to share in God’s mission. He shows us how we can all be involved in bringing God’s good news to those around us: our family, friends, neighbours, and colleagues.

God delights to use us to bring his saving message to others, and God calls us all to be his hands and feet in the world, sharing his love. May we be encouraged, emboldened, and equipped to partner with God in reaching out to others. And as part of this focus on mission, look out for faith sharing interviews at services, everyday faith sharing workshops in May, and a range of resources to help you in sharing Jesus in word and deed.

Revd Simon Oatridge

From the Youth Minister

It's House Party week! We are taking away 39 young people to Carlton Lodge in Thirsk for a few days of worship teaching and activities. Our teaching focus will be on identity and also the Armour of God.

Please pray that we will have a safe and fun time, that the young people will take forward steps in faith and that new and deepened friendships are made.

I look forward to sharing stories with you all on our return service.

Cam Catto
Youth Minister

From the Wardens

Sunday 7th April is the Sheffield Half Marathon and once again volunteers from All Saints Church are running Water Stations 1 and 4 on Ecclesall Road. It is privilege for Church to be involved with this enjoyable event in supporting our local community and beyond.

The theme of ‘running the race’ pervades the Bible where “race” is actually about our Christian life, and we are reminded that it is more of a marathon rather than a sprint. We are encouraged to stay the course, remaining faithful to the end.

Hebrews 12:1 “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

Richard, on behalf of Sue, Robert and Lynne (the wardens)