Contemporary Issues discussed during Lent

All Saints Church in Ecclesall will launch its fifth Public Theology programme in February, as part of its programme for Lent.

'Christian Voices’ is a well-established annual forum which invites members of the community and the wider public to listen to speakers on a range of contemporary issues. Sessions are lively and include opportunities for questions and discussion.

The talks will take place throughout February and March and will include themes on Christian Muslim relations, gender-based violence against women and immigration in a post-Brexit world.

Gary Wilton, Vicar at All Saints Ecclesall, said: “I am delighted that such distinguished speakers have agreed to contribute, and on such a fascinating range of topics covering the contemporary social, ethical and intellectual issues affecting Christians today.”

The programme for the series:

28 February

‘Mutual flourishing in a place of disagreement– what does this have to say to the world?’ 

How do we understand and hold disagreement theologically within the church?  How does this impact of our mission in the world?

Pete Wilcox - Bishop of Sheffield

7 March

Encountering Islam – Christian Muslim Relations in the Public Square

After centuries of mutual animosity and stereotyping, Christian engagement with Islam is arguably the most pressing task for the church in its relations with Islam and Muslims today. But how is the Church to engage with Islam in 21st-century Britain?

Richard Sudworth- Priest in Charge Christ Church Sparkbrook

14 March

A Christian Response to Violence Against Women - The Role of Religion for Good or for Ill

An exploration of the breadth, intensity and root causes of gender-based violence against women, and the resources we need to draw on in order to make a meaningful and effective stand against it.

Elaine Storkey- Fellow of Aberystwyth University

21 March

Christian Perspectives on Immigration Post-Brexit

How should Christians think about immigration after the vote to leave the EU?  In what ways might Christian belief impact on our thinking about future immigration policy?

Ben Ryan- Researcher Theos

Event Information

Each evening will take place at All Saints Church, and begin at 7.45pm with tea and coffee provided from 7.30pm, and will be followed by a reception. The events are free and there is no need to book.

For more information, contact Rachel McLafferty on 0114 2687574 or email