From the Vicar February 2018



Welcome to the February edition of ‘From the Vicar’. Often when I sit down to write, I look back at the edition of a year ago. Last February I was writing about the near completion of the renewal of the church roof and relaying of the path from the church building down to Ecclesall Road South. I was also looking forward to the launch of the new website and the rolling out of the new logo and branding.

The new roof and the re-laid path are now much admired, and while we are still rolling out the branding, the new website, logo and branding have been widely appreciated. They so clearly speak of All Saints, that it feels as though they have been part of us for much longer than 12 months.

Last Autumn we completed a major upgrading of the main part of the existing lighting system including the welcome area, the nave and the MU chapel.  The new lights are significantly brighter and now using 90% less electricity.  Over the coming months we plan to review the lighting in the sanctuary and in the choir area.  Also last autumn we took possession of two additional chalices and two silver flagons on permanent loan from ‘The Vine’ church in Netherthorpe.  We used them for the first time on Christmas morning. The flagons are particularly impressive.

By time you are reading this, 50 of the church chairs will have returned from Hayes and Finch, refurbished and reupholstered.  At key moments during the year we will send off batches of 50 chairs at a time.

The coming weeks will see the installation of the new Fire Alarm panel and upgraded sound system.  As with all new systems, the sound system will take a little while to settle in and for the Sound Desk team to be trained. There will be the inevitable glitches and hiccups.  So thank you for your patience in advance.

Looking ahead this summer we will be tendering for significant repairs to the stone guttering and the porches.  Once these are completed the church will be 100% watertight.  We will then be able to start planning to redecorate and eventually re-carpet. As always we will proceed one step at a time and as finances allow.


The redevelopment works at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit have now started. They include an additional toilet, improved kitchen facilities, double glazing and new data projector and screen.  This means that Whirlow will be closed during weekdays and that the Tuesday morning communion and the Friday morning Community Bible Study Group will transfer temporarily to All Saints church building.  Please make them feel welcome and why not come along and join in.


1 February marks Rachel McLafferty’s first year as Operations Manager.  Her responsibilities include supporting governance, administration, communications and oversight of the estate. She has made a huge difference to ‘operations’.  We are making so much progress on many fronts because of her contributions.  On behalf of the Church Family I would like to thank and congratulate her publicly for an amazing first year in post.


Lent will be very soon upon us.  As well as the Christian Voices in the Contemporary World programme on Wednesday evenings, Lent will also begin with a special services of Holy Communion at 10.30am and 7.30pm on Ash Wednesday – 14th February.  Again this year we will prepare for Easter with Messy Church including a donkey on Palm Sunday 25th March and the Big Agape ‘Bring & Share’ Meal at 7.00pm on Maundy Thursday 29th March.  Please put these dates in your diary.

If you would like a book for Lent I would like to recommend Margaret Whipp’s  ‘The Grace of Waiting’.



Following the very successful youth visit to the Diocese of Kilimanjaro in 2015, Charlotte Driver and Elaine Howarth are making a return visit to Tanzania this coming February.

They will be commissioned on Sunday 18 Feburary and will be away from the 28 Feb - 8 March.  Elaine was a part of the original team.  We will send them with our love and greetings to all churches and projects that they will visit. They will be based in Arusha, visiting and spending time with representatives from the Diocese of Kilimanjaro but the main focus of their visit will be at the 5 parishes that we currently support in the Babati region. Their visit will have a critical impact on our growing relationship and they will no doubt return with lots of stories and pictures to share. We send them with our huge blessings and prayers to share and will hugely look forward to their safe return and to learning about the difference that our Connected Church Partnership is making.  In the meantime please would you pray for their safe travelling and their good health while they are away.  Please would you also pray for their families in their absence.

Yours in the service of Christ Jesus


Gary Wilton, Vicar